Tuesday, November 07, 2006

PenDemorandum: Monday and Tuesday Events

November 6, 2006
Final Stretch: Monday and Tuesday Events

Common Ground
  • Your paycheck ? bigger  
  • Your tax money ? used responsibly             
  • Your family's future ? brighter
1. Calendar
2. Amendment C in dead heat
3. Katus-Schwiesow contest shows Dem strength
1. Calendar
Life comes at you fast, so visit http://pendem.org for calendar updates!
  • Monday, Nov 6, Vote Early: http://www.votepennco.com
  • Monday, Nov 6, 12 noon, Rally and Chili Feed for Candidates and Supporters at Herseth/Billion Office, 629 Main St., Rapid City.
    Rep. Stephanie Herseth will be hosting,
    Sen. Tim Johnson and Jack Billion will be there too!
  • Monday, Nov 6, 6pm, Massive Election Eve Lit Drop in key precincts. Meet for Pizza at the Billion Office West, 629 Main St, and launch.  HS and college-age Dems are especially invited!  Please contact Lesley Kandaras, kandaras@uchicago.edu or 484-4571.. More at:
  • Tuesday, Nov 7, ELECTION DAY!
    • 7pm on, Radisson Hotel, Victory Party
      Let's celebrate the triumph of Common Ground!
      (The Radisson has a $63 Dem reveler room rate!)

2. Amendment C in dead heat
Three major churches in South Dakota have urged defeat of Amendment C. The SD Dem Platform urges careful consideration of this Amendment, which could hurt many SD families.
The majority of Dems have polled as voting No on C.
Find out why at: http://againstdiscrimination.org

3. Katus-Schwiesow contest shows Dem strength
Don't miss this article in Rapid City Journal about the Katus-Schwiesow race.
Kevin Woster tells how this race throws light on the contrast between the Democratic and Republican Parties in our State, and the huge divisions extremism has created within the South Dakota Republican party (whether they want to admit it or not)! It's time to vote for Common Ground, by voting Democratic in 2006!

The PenDemorandum is a publication of the Pennington County Democratic Party, edited by Curtis Price.  Please forward it along to your friends! To comment, subscribe, or unsubscribe, email democrats@pendem.org or visit http://pendem.org.  Back issues of the  Pendemorandum are posted at http://penndemocrats.blogspot.com.