Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Pennington Democratic Victory Party - SEE YOU THERE

The day is here.

Seems to me this is like a huge symphony concert, so many people have prepared, working on their own and together for so long, that it's almost impossible to comprehend all that has been done and the love, care, and passion we have all put toward today. Although those of us that are lucky enough to be able to get off our day jobs and do polls and visibility during the day today will be working hard, but we are well-prepared so in some ways we get to celebrate the fruit of our labors all day.

However, there is fortunately another important celebration this evening, and the honor of your presence is requested, yea, urged! Please plan on joining us tonight at the Radisson for our VICTORY PARTY.
This thing is a great springboard to a bright future for the Pennington Dems, so it's important that you be there!

And besides it will be a blast. Joyce Payton was telling me on the phone last night about the good work she's been doing on this.  This party will be just fantastic--end of an incredible campaign and an event to inspire us to the future. We will be absolutely informed up to the minute as results come in with TVs, internet access (they have WiFi, so yours truly will be blogging away; you can bring a laptop too if you want) and lots to eat (though make sure to save the best stuff for the GOTV volunteers, who will be straggling in, tired but happy)! You may yet be able to get a room at the Dem rate--$63--so you don't need to even consider driving home after such a long day!! Radisson's #: (605) 348-8300

The following people have made major contributions to the victory party--thank you all SO MUCH.
  • Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth 
  • Pam Hemmingsen  
  • Sharon and Tom Warner  
  • Harold and Vaude Oberlander  
  • Tom Katus 
  • Sarge and Krista Preston 
  • Judee Oldham  
  • Karen McGregor  
  • Dale Lamphere  
  • Paul Jensen    
  • Dennis & Nancy  Finch  
  • Jody Severson
  • Kayte Hallstad  - Acupuncture 4 Health
  • Dale & Mary Berkebile
  • Kevin Weiland
  • Jack Billion
  • John & Dorothy Brewick

And thanks again to Joyce Payton for her great work on the event!

See you there.

Curtis Price
On-line Communications
Pennington County Democratic Party

For West Wing fans, a reminder to watch your words today :-)
Toby Ziegler: You want to tempt the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing?
Sam Seaborn: No.
Toby Ziegler: Then go outside, turn around three times and spit. What the hell's the matter with you?