The topic for today was ballot questions, and several of them were covered in depth: Referred Law 6, and Constitutional Amendments E and F.

He also recommended Constitutional Amendment F, which was supported by both parties in the Legislature.

Bill Walsh spoke about the anti-video-gambling question and lent some historical perspective about how legalized gambling has been brought to South Dakota and how it seems to be a perennnial issue in this State.

Bill Walsh (left) and Gene Lebrun share a moment after the Forum.
The meeting included some spirited discussions and lots of good information. Democratic legislative candidates Dennis Finch, Theresa Spry and Jeff Nelsen were in attendance.
Come on down to the Library, pick up a cup of coffee and scone from the coffee shop across the hall, and join us at the Helen Hoyt Room at the next Friday Forum on October 6... you'll be glad you did!!
Hope to see you there!